Class Texts: Holt Science & Technology Series
2007 edition: Holt, Reinhart and Winston
Life Science - 7th grade
Physical Science - 8th grade

(posted notes are a summary of textbook information)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

7th Grade - Whale Evolution Video link

Here is the link to the whale evolution video clip we watched in class. This will enhance your notes.

7th grade: Dogs That Changed the World PBS series

Here is the link to the film series from Nature on You can read the following to enhance your notes:

  • Introduction
  • What cause the domestication of wolves?
  • Selective Breeding Problems

You should focus on these topics: flight distance, Russian fox experiments (tameness), proto-dog features, selective breeding and its repercussions.

8th notes - Types of Machines Ch 8.3

Notes for Ch 8.3

7th notes - Natural Selection in Action Ch 7.3

Notes for Ch 7.3